The Music Theory Materials website was created to provide materials – musical examples, videos, and handouts – that could be useful in music theory classes. The specific goal is to provide examples of full pieces of music that can be used in the study of musical form and analysis. The musical examples are presented as downloadable PDFs and audio files or as links to other sites that contain this information.

Also included on this site is information – handouts and videos – on various musical forms. Keep watching the site as more information will be added periodically!


Do you want to contribute to this site?

If you are a University of Tennessee faculty member or student who would like to include recordings of your recital on this site, please click here.


Open Educational Resource (OER)

This site is presented as an Open Educational Resource (OER); all information is free for you to use and share under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



This website was created with help from a University of Tennessee Library’s Scholar’s Collaborative OER Grant (Summer 2018).


Other websites to check out

Other websites you should look at include:

Internet Music Theory Database ( by Timothy Cutler

Mutopia Project (