Below is information on PowerPoint presentations on various compositional techniques. You may download them from the Google Drive linked to in the Download button.


Types of Analysis
PowerPoint Presentation


In this presentation, the following types of analytical processes are introduced.

  • Jazz/pop symbols
  • Linear analysis
  • LaRue Style analysis
  • Set theory analysis
  • 12-tone analysis


Non-Functional Harmony
PowerPoint Presentation


Sometimes in music there are sections where we can label the root, quality and position of the chord but we cannot identify the function of the chord in a traditional sense. Such chords are called Non-Functional Harmony. In this presentation, we will look at several examples of music using non-functional harmony.


PowerPoint Presentation


In this presentation, we will talk about some of the techniques used by impressionistic composers, including:

  • Extended tertian harmonies
  • Types of chords other than tertian harmonies
  • Palindromes
  • Pedal tones
  • Parallelism
  • Modes, pentatonic, whole tone scales
  • Hemiolas
  • Fluidity of rhythm – rhythms moving across/against the bar line


Neo-Riemannian Theory (NRT)
PowerPoint Presentation


In this presentation, we will talk about some of the concepts of Neo-Riemannian Theory including:

  • Parallel, leading tone and relative relationships between chords.
  • The Tonnetz
  • Compound relationships
  • Cyclic patterns
  • Further Reading


Set Theory
PowerPoint Presentation


In this presentation, we will talk about some of the terms and concepts of set theory including

  • Pitch
  • Enharmonic equivalence
  • Integer notation
  • Modulo 12 (mod 12)
  • Octave equivalence
  • Pitch class
  • Pitch class set
  • Normal order
  • Prime form
  • Interval vector

This presentation uses  the theme Skye Van Duuren’s ( and Variations for Piano  (2013) as an example.


12-Tone Technique
PowerPoint Presentation


In this presentation, we will talk about some of the terms and concepts of 12-tone music analysis including:

  • The differences between non-serial and serial music
  • The tone row
  • Prime form, retrograde, inversion, and retrograde inversion
  • The 12-tone matrix
  • How to find all the rows in the piece
  • How to look for patterns in the rows in the piece to help determine the form of the piece.

This presentation uses R. Alden Clark’s (b. 1991) 4 Cycles (2015) as our example piece for analysis.( )



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